Industrial Topography / Cultural Clusters / Czech Republic – Europe

Industrial Topography / Cultural Clusters / Czech Republic – Europe

An exhibition dedicated to examples of successful conversions of industrial architecture into cultural centres.

Prague Holešovická tržnice, Kunsthalle Praha, La Fabrika, Fórum Karlín, Centrum současného umění DOX, Pragovka Art District Czech Republic Dolní oblast Vítkovice, 14|15 Baťův institut, Automatické mlýny Pardubice, DEPO2015, Uhelný mlýn a Kotelna v Libčicích nad Vltavou, EPo1, Brillovka, Wannieck Gallery, Pole designu Bílovice, The Distillery, PLATO Ostrava, Moving Station Plzeň, Areál Procházkovy továrny v Humpolci, Areál Jabloneček, Centrum stavitelského dědictví Plasy Norway Kistefos Museum, areál Papirbredden v Drammen, Rockheim Museum, oblast podél řeky Akeru v Oslu, Kaviar Gallery, Kunstsilo Kristiansand, Bomuldsfabriken Kunsthall Arendaal Island Reykjavik Art Museum Hafnarhús, Marshall House Evrope Areál Pfefferberg Berlín, Matadero Madrid, Tour and Taxis (Gare Maritime) Brusel, Tate Modern London, Maritime Museum of Denmark, Kasárne/Kulturpark Košice, Tabačka Košice, Zollverein,  Fondazione Prada Milano, Museum de Pont Tilburg, Muzeum Śląskie w Katowicach.


18. 6. 2024 Prague, Žižkov Freight Railway Station – historical building


10.00 – 13.00
Petr Hlaváček – deputy mayor of City of Prague
Pavel Dobeš – deputy mayor of Prague 3
Michiel Riedijk – principal, Neutelings Riedijk Architects, Rotterdam
Marek Pokorný – director, Plato Ostrava

14.00 – 18.00
Dagur Eggertsson – principal, Rintala Eggertsson Architects, Oslo
Steve Christer – principal, Studio Granda Architects, Reykjavík
Jiří Havran – photographer, ARFO, Oslo
Martin Strakoš – art historian, National Heritage Institute, Ostrava
Jan Zikmund – director, Research Centre for Industrial Heritage FA CTU Prague
Jan Kunze – director, EPo1 Trutnov

opening of exhibitions:
Industrial Topography/Culture Clusters/Czech Republic-Europe
Tokyo Toilets
Terrains and Territories

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